The Australian Level Crossing Assessment Model or “ALCAM” is an assessment tool which may be used to identify key potential risks at level crossings and to assist in the prioritisation of crossings for upgrades. The risk model may be used to support a decision making process when determining the most cost effective treatments. ALCAM in Detail provides more information on the Model.
The Level Crossing Management system or “LXM” is a web-enabled purpose-built data management system. It houses a variety of level crossing data and provides the interface for users to input relevant data and information about level crossings, manage the data collected for ALCAM assessments and calculate ALCAM risk score.
LXM is access through a web-based service administered by the Rail Industry Safety Standards Board (RISSB) on behalf of the National ALCAM Committee.
No. Only authorised users can access LXM and the ALCAM data.
Access to LXM is based on either having jurisdictional ownership, such as government agencies, or being a stake-holding organisation such as a Rail Infrastructure Manager or Road Manager. Users can only view or modify records they have been explicitly authorised to modify.
Only jurisdictional owners or stake-holding organisations have access to ALCAM/LXM data. Rolling stock operators that do not manage infrastructure at the crossing do not have access to the data currently. Where rolling stock operators wish to view level crossing data for crossings they operate on, they can ask for access providing all relevant parties agree. Please email your query to the relevant Jurisdictional LXM Administrator.
Persons meeting the requirements to become a registered user can request access by contacting the relevant state ALCAM/LXM Jurisdiction Administrator. If you are unsure who that is in your state, please email
People from organisations that are not a stakeholder at the level crossing need to request access to the system via the stakeholder they are working for or by contacting the ALCAM/LXM Jurisdiction Administrator for that state.
Contact the relevant ALCAM/LXM Jurisdiction Administrator. If you are unsure who that is in your state, please email
Contact the relevant ALCAM/LXM Jurisdiction Administrator. If you are unsure who that is in your state, please email
Contact the relevant ALCAM/LXM Jurisdiction Administrator. If you are unsure who that is in your state, please email
Contact the relevant ALCAM/LXM Jurisdiction Administrator. If you are unsure who that is in your state, please email
Any further questions please email to