20th March 2025
This release note provides details on changes, fixes, enhancements or known issues for the recent Level Crossing Management (LXM) System release.
· Carousels were added to the Site Photos page, to support scrolling between Photos.
· The process for archiving Photos was streamlined. All current Photos may now be archived in a single click, or multiple photos may be selected to archive.
· Photos can now be retracted. This will hide a Photo from all users, but the data will be retained.
· A new area for Photos was added, allowing Site Sketches to be uploaded separately to other Site Photos. This area supports both image and PDF file formats.
· Site What-If export functionality has been added.
· Two new formats for exporting Site and Site What-If data were added – the ‘Road Rating Report’ and ‘Pedestrian Rating Report’.
· A new type of Site Group update was added, allowing multiple Sites to be updated via a spreadsheet upload. This is useful for tasks such as periodic updates of road traffic volume across a large region. Note that access to this interface is currently restricted – contact LXM Support to request access.
· When Sites are being created, the ALCAM ID will be generated in accordance with organisation-specific restrictions. This only applies in some Jurisdictions (currently QLD).
· The column names in spreadsheet exports have been simplified (for example, when exporting data pertaining to a Site).
· Additional information is available to be exported (for example, when exporting data pertaining to a Site). This includes individual RIM and RSO details.
· For new ratings/surveys, inputs on the Characteristics and Controls page are reset. This only occurs when the Site is Checked Out and does not impact Site What-Ifs.
· The permissions associated with editing of Photos, Observations, and Site What-Ifs have been broadened.
Although it is a comprehensive tool for the assessment of level crossing hazards, ALCAM should not be applied in isolation and does not preclude the need for sound engineering judgement and risk assessment and treatment factors.
ALCAM does not provide warrants for upgrades or attempt to define a ‘safe’ or acceptable level of risk. This is a decision for the involved stakeholders and will depend on the standard of existing crossings, upgrade budgets and the level of risk that they are prepared to accept.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at support@alcam.com.au
Dear LXM System Users,
The National ALCAM Committee are pleased to announce the new Level Crossing Management (LXM) System will Go Live on Monday 11th November.
Users can expect to experience outages of the existing system from close of business Friday 8th of November to ensure the smooth transfer of data in preparation of the launch of the new LXM system.
Current active users of the LXM system will receive an email from lxm@alcam.com.au on the 11th of November inviting you to update your password before to logging in.
Once you have logged in and you require adjustment to your permissions within the system, please contact support@alcam.com.au. These requests will be coordinated with the Jurisdiction Administrators and amended accordingly.
We look forward to sharing these improvements with you.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at support@alcam.com.au.
You can view detailed information about ALCAM by clicking here.
Additional supporting documents are available to users logged into the LXM System. These include an ALCAM Crosssing Assessment Handbook and LXM User Guide.
The ALCAM Crossing Assessment Handbook (the Handbook) sets out the process for carrying out ALCAM surveys of road and pedestrian level crossings in Australia and New Zealand. This Handbook is intended for use by technical personnel with general knowledge of surveying techniques and who have undertaken appropriate training, who wish to survey level crossings according to ALCAM requirements.
The LXM User Guide (the Guide) is a reference guide on the operation of the LXM system an integrated web-enabled database for managing level crossing information, in Australia and New Zealand. This Guide is intended for use by personnel registered as an LXM User and is not for general distribution.